Monday, June 20, 2016

Piece Perfect

Super excited to have our friend  write for us this week. Please give a warm round of applause for Priyanka Malagi. She is a lawyer-turned- YouTuber . Check out her awesome page here - Piece Perfect

Fun Facts: Priyanka loves mangoes, quoting Shakespeare, and climbing trees.

Hey Guys! Music makes my heart beat. Period. Not harder, or faster or any dramatic thing like that; just plain rhythmic beating. It may be a foot-thumping R&B track, a soulful serenade or a head-banging rockathon. Music makes my mood. And in the music world, the cup of astounding music overfloweth.

I have two such numbers to share with you today.

Wisher : Terminal

This track is from their album How the Lonely Keep, the first and only from the band, way back in 2004. The band later split up which is a shame, but the tracks on this album instill a music awakening.

Mirrors : The New Frontiers

If you want something more mellow to kick-start your Monday, indie rock band The New Frontiers may be the way to go. This track from the band is soft, hits just the right notes and takes your day from zero to 10 in 10 seconds.

Have a fantastic Monday guys!

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