Sunday, September 17, 2017

Trees and Bees

I have mixed feelings about this song and I am not sure if you will like it or not, but I think you might. Dave Grohl (of the Foo Fighters fame) was talking about this song in a recent interview. So I thought if Dave recommends it, how could I not pass it on to you?

Hope you have a great week.


Again and Again : The Bird and the Bee

Interestingly, I was actually listening to some stuff by The Bird and The Bee today. They are quite unique. For anyone who is a Mumford + Sons or a Lumineer's fan, my song choice will be easy to like. Lots of "heys!" :P
It just occurred to me, that I still haven't read your essay. Completely slipped my mind. I'm such a bad friend, sorry. Also, we were supposed to catch up this weekend. Sigh. Let me know if you are free during the week. 
Enjoy the music. 

Waterfall : The Gardener & The Tree

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

One Kaleo of Rhys

Hey hey!

I think you may like this one. Seems like it would make for a great OST which as you know if my chief reason for liking songs anyways. Was great to catch- up last week. Another one soon?


Way Down We Go : Kaleo

Much sorry for no post and late post. Didn't have a song until just now. I need to listen to more music this week. It feels like a while since I listened to good music all day!
Also, really enjoyed the track you picked. What power in his voice. Very cool vibe too.
Talk soon.
- Tanisha

I Know the Feeling : Rhys Lewis