Monday, November 13, 2017

Might Like, Might Not.

Hey hey!

Think you will like this one.


People Like Us : Susie Blue

I don't know whether I love this song. Wondering whether it belongs on a road trip playlist or a cleaning the house playlist! Heard it from a movie I watched the other day. The movie had lots of mention of the band, The Kinks. I think I should listen to them. 
You might like this (or not!) Haha. 
- Tanisha

Everybody : Diane Coffee

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Little Hummingbird

Hey hey!

So this was a really cool video (maybe it's popular, I just never knew) along with a great song. You will likes, me thinks. Hope the week goes well. :)


Little Light : Lewis Watson

A 360 degree music video! So fun. Good tune.
I know the next two weeks are going to be crazy for you. Hang in there! You can do it :)

I chose my song mostly for the funky album cover, but good song too. 
- Tanisha

Hummingbird : Wildling